
爱 神之人-郑明析牧师:<悔改>不能只对「 神」悔改, 也要对自己错误对待的「对方」悔改。  神说这样才算是完全的悔改。 [Repentance] is not to be done only to ‘God.’ It has to be done ‘to the person’ whom they wronged too. Then it becomes perfect repentance, God said.

郑明析牧师, 月明洞, 摄理教会, 箴言, 悔改, 人, 神, 完全, 女生, 对话, Joshua Jung, Providence, Wolmyeung dong, proverbs, repentance, person, God, perfect, converse, girls
郑明析牧师 著,Miao Khoo摄影

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