
爱 神之人-郑明析牧师:若祷告,自己的魂与灵都会实际将那件事做完。 此外 神也会差派天使们来帮忙做那件事。因此,祷告吧! If you pray, both your soul and spirit actually do and complete that matter. Also, God does that work for you by sending angels. Therefore, pray.

郑明析牧师, 月明洞, 摄理教会, 箴言, 祷告, 魂, 灵, 神, 天使, 草坪, 石头, Joshua Jung, Providence, Wolmyeung dong, Proverb, prayer, soul, spirit, God, angels, grass field, rocks
郑明析牧师 著,Yeojeong摄影

