
爱 神之人-郑明析牧师:神不能代替人吃饭。要由<自己>来吃,自己才能生存。 如此一般,「人的责任」和「自己该做的事」也要由<自己>来做才行。 It will not work if God eats food for you on your behalf. have to eat. Only then will you survive. In the same way, must do ‘human responsibility’ as well as ‘your own work.’

郑明析牧师, 摄理教会, 月明洞, 箴言, 神, 吃饭, 人, 生存, 责任, 事, 食物, 汤匙, 叉, Joshua Jung, Providence, Wolmyeung dong, Proverb, God, eat, food, human, survive, responsibility, work, spoon, fork

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