
爱 神之人-郑明析牧师:要做到底!要与主一起做到底!在「提升层次」这方面也要做到底! Until the end! [It is to do it] with the Lord until the end! In raising levels also, it is to do it until the end!

主, 提升, 做到底, 马来西亚, 双峰塔, 夜景, 灯光, Lord, raising, do until the end, Malaysia, KLCC, Kuala lumpur convention centre, night scenery, lighting
明析牧著,Hyo 摄影

1 条评论:

  1. 虽然提升层次的过程不容易,但只要与主一起做到底,就一定能够做到!
