
爱 神之人-郑明析牧师:不要让<想法>被夺走。不要让<想法>被世上、被异性、被属恶的一切夺走。把「 神、圣灵、圣子和主」放进你的脑中来生活,每天呼唤并寻找吧!不要从你的脑中抽掉「话语」。Do not let your  be taken from you. Do not lose your  to the things of the world, the things of the opposite sex, or the things of evil. Put ‘God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son and the Lord’ into your brain, and call and seek them everyday. Do not remove ‘the Word’ from your brain.

郑明析牧师, 摄理教会, 月明洞, 想法, 神, 圣灵, 圣子, 主, 脑, 话语, Joshua Jung, Providence, Wolmyeung dong, thoughts, God, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Lord, brain, Words
郑明析牧师 著,Gavin Fong 摄影

